St Peter’s Italian Church Procession
Opened in 1863, St Peter’s Italian Church on Clerkenwell Road has since the 1880s held an annual Procession in Honour of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
The original Catholic Procession was thought to have been the first since the Reformation.
The pictures were taken at the 2023 Procession on Sunday 16th July, the 2024 Procession is on Sunday 21st July.
Outside The Church
The normally busy Clerkenwell Road, close to Farringdon Station, was closed to traffic by the Police for the procession. The Italian church, where Catholic services are conducted in Italian, is at the heart of Little Italy in the area around Hatton Garden.
The church has a short frontage to Clerkenwell Road with unmistakably Italian architecture.
The crowd of Parishioners followed the statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel as it was carried shoulder high through Little Italy.
The Procession
The Route
- Leave St Peter’s Italian church
- Clerkenwell Road
- Leather Lane
- Greville Street
- Hatton Garden
- Return to St Peter’s Italian church
The Procession’s Makeup
01: The Cross of Peace
02: Flags and Peace in the World
03: San Francesco d’Assisi e Santa Caterina da Siena – Patroni d’Italia St Francis of Assisi and St Catherine of Siena – Patron saints of Italy
04: Regional Costumes
05: Consorelle del Sacro Cuore
06: Sant’ Antonio di Padova – Saint Anthony of Padua
07: Sutton, Croydon, Epsom and Wimbledon with Sant’ Antonio Federazione Maestri del Lavoro
08: Santa Lucia Saint Lucy
09: Band
10: Madonna di Fatima – Our Lady of Fatima
11: Parmigiani Val Ceno
12: The Four Evangelists Madonna della Neve – Our Lady of Snows
13: The Annunciation
14: Madonna del Soccorso – Our Lady of Perpetual Help San Calogero Saint Calogero
15: Lucchesi nel Mondo
16: “Let the little children come to me”
17: San Francesco di Paola – Saint Francis of Paola
18: Santa Franca – Saint Franca “I am the water of life”
19: Santa Rita di Cascia – Saint Rita of Cascia
20: Aylesbury with banner of Padre Pio Gruppo di Preghiera di Padre Pio
21: The Way of the Cross
22: The Pieta’
23: San Michele Arcangelo – Saint Michael the Archangel
24: St Peter’s Youth Club
25: Teams from the O.G.I.
26: Resurrection Banner with the Gruppo Carismatico
27: Christ with the First Communicants
28: Missione Cattolica Italiana di Enfield
29: Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St Simon Stock
30: Confratelli del SS Sacramento
31: The Clergy
32: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
33: Parishioners