2023 London to Brighton Veteran Car Run

The London to Brighton Veteran Car Run takes place on the first Sunday of each November. It is a uniquely British institution, celebrating the repeal of the Act of Parliament which required all cars have a person walking in front carrying a red flag to warn of a car approaching them.

London to Brighton Veteran Car Run Photos:
2024, 2023, 2022 and 2019

The Veteran Car Run leaves Hyde Park in central London very early followed by a fleet of RAC breakdown vans to help them make it to Brighton.

Even early on an Autumn Sunday morning, there are always crowds of onlookers. There are also lots of bemused road users as the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run takes place on ordinary roads which are not closed for the event. The day before some of the cars could be seen at the St James International Concours where I took lots of 360 degree virtual tours from the driver’s seats.

If you’re one of the drivers/passengers features, feel free to get in contact and I’ll send you the original high resolution picture.

Favourite Pictures

Steam Powered

Veteran Cars

Side On

In Traffic



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