Ceremony of the Constable’s Dues

Very rarely, the Ceremony of the Constable’s Dues is conducted at the Tower of London by visiting military units. The ceremony dates back to when the Constable (senior officer) of the Tower of London would tax the goods carried by ships into the Port of London.

Nowadays, the ceremony is conducted to present the Constable of the Tower of London with a barrel of wine.

On 14th March 2024 the Royal Marines conducted the Ceremony to mark their 360th anniversary year. Escorted by the Yeoman Warders (Beefeaters) in their red State Ceremonial uniforms, the Royal Marines were led marching into the Tower of London by their band.

Once on Tower Green, the barrel of wine was ceremonially presented to the Constable before the parade was marched off for a reception.

The Triennial battle between the Tower and their neighbouring church is another infrequent ceremony.

Ceremony of the Constable’s Dues – Picture Gallery

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