The LFB150 Photo Mosaic
In 2017 London Fire Brigade commissioned a photo mosaic to mark their year of 150th anniversary celebrations that happened in 2016 which were collectively branded as LFB150.
The photo chosen to be the base image was one I took at the Lord Mayor’s Show towards the end of the 2016 anniversary year. The mosaic itself was made up of thousands of pictures taken by photographers throughout the year.
Walking along with the London Fire Brigade contingent in the rain, I saw a child dressed as a firefighter in the crowd and an LFB firefighter going for a high five.
I just let rip with the camera and got one frame where they were in contact. There was nothing setup about the picture, I just saw what was about to happen and grabbed the picture.
The people who created the mosaic did a lot of work to my original image to simplify it visually, making it suitable to be the base image. The firefighter’s placard has been extended, a number of people removed and the crowd has disappeared.
The picture with me in it standing next to the finished mosaic was taken at the former LFB Lambeth workshops during an open day when the London Fire Brigade Museum was in residence there. Hopefully the mosaic has been stored safely somewhere.