
Bromley-by-Bow Gasworks

Gas was produced at Bromley-by-Bow in East London from 1873 until the 1970s, after which it was used only to store gas. The gas holders were decommissioned in 2010 meaning it is now ripe...

Sailing Vessel Tenacious

Tenacious, owned by the Jubilee Sailing Trust, is purpose built to enable people of all abilities to take an active part in sailing the ship.

Trinity House

Trinity House, on Tower Hill, is home to the Corporation of Trinity House. Amongst other things, they have controlled the lighthouses, licensed ship’s pilots and maintained navigation marks in England since 1514. They are...

Markfield Beam Engine

Markfield Park is a green oasis in Tottenham bordering the River Lea which has a stinky past, a brown stinky past. The park started off life as filter beds for Tottenham’s sewage where the...

Caledonian Park Clock Tower

Today, Smithfield meat market in the City of London is a quietly efficient meat market in the heart of the City but, until the mid-1800s, it also handled live animals. Live animals making lots...

Albert Memorial

A visit behind the railings to The Albert Memorial, a lavish Victorian excess to remember Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s Consort and remembered for The Great Exhibition.